This is the healthiest and super-easy 5 minute- pie. I put only a little bit sugar because sweet potato is sweet itself.
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 Tbs hot water
1 cup canned sweet potatoes (no sugar, salt added)
1/2 cup ricotta cheese (I prefer fat free)
2 eggs
2 Tbs brown sugar
1 0z chopped pecans or sliced almond
1. Preheat the oven to 375F. In a medium size bowl, put whole wheat flour and butter. Using a folk bash in the butter into pieces. Pour hot water and mix well using folk and fingers. You do not have to restthe mixture in the fridge.
2. Drop the dough in a 9 inch round pie plate. Spread the dough by pushing down with fingers.
3. Using the same bowl, mix sweet potatoes, cheese, eggs and brown sugar. Put the mixture on top of 2 pie. Sprinke chopped pecans on top.
4. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes.
バター 50グラム(1箱四本入り、一本の半分)
全粒粉 1/2 カップ
熱湯 大匙 3
缶入りサツマイモ(砂糖、塩の入ってないもの)または、冷凍サツマイモ 1カップ
リコッタチーズまたはカッテージチーズ (あれば低脂肪が好ましい) 1/2 カップ
卵 二個
きび砂糖 大匙2
スライスアーモンドかピーカンのみじん切り 30グラム (または2オンスの袋半分)
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