
Baked French fries

1pound potatpes, preferably organic
1/4 tsp high quality sea salt
1 tsp extra virgine olive oil

1. Pewheat the oven to 475 F. Peel and slice potatoes into French fry shape.
2. Bring a 9 inch circle Pyrex pie plate and spray oil on it. IF you use aluminum foil, spray oil on foil. Put the sliced potatoes in the plate and sprinkle salt and oil. Mix well.
3. Put the plate on top rack of the oven. Bake the potatoes for ten minutes. Flip one time and bake ten more minutes. Eat with tomato ketchaup.

フライドポテト 焼きスタイル

ジャガイモ(出来れば有機栽培のもの)  450グラム
品質の高い塩 または海塩        小さじ 1/4
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル    小さじ 1


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