Microwave marinera sauce
2 cans (28 oz each) whole tomatoes
4 oz cooked brown rice
1 stalk celery
1 medium carrot
1 small onion
2 cloves of garic
2 2 inch pieces of ginger
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp soy powder
1 Tbsp Flax seed
2 or 3 of dried sardine (optional)
1 Tbsp maple syrup or honwy
1/4 tsp salt
1. Spray a 2-quart oval casserole. Put all ingredients into the blender or food porocessor.
2. Process the blender. Pour the mixture into the casserole and microwave for 20 minutes.
Taste and add salt if necessary.
Grilled tri color pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 425 F. Lightly grease a 1 1/2quart casserole using a cooking spray.
Halve each pepper and take off stem and seeds.
2. Place peppers in the greased casserole. Bake, uncoverd, in the oven for 1 hour.
3. After one hour, pull the casserole from the oven. Put the lid or cover with the aluminum foil. Wait 15 to 20 minutes. Peel the skin with fingers. Do not get rid of liquid. You may eat immedietly. You do not have to use any salt or seasoning.
Slow cooker chicken stock
Wolfgang Puck says in his book that all great chefs tell that without a good stock, final dish wil suffer. Here's my version of chicken stock using a slow cooker. I added Japanese Kombu( Japanese seaweed for dashi) and Niboshi(dried fish for stock) for subtle taste.
3 pounds used chicken bones, after you ate roast chicken or Thanksgiving turkey.
1 medium carrot, trimmed, broken into 2 or 3 pieces by hands.
1 mdium celery stalk, trimmedn and cut into 2-inch slices.
1 medium onionm, peeled, trimmed, and halved.
4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed by a kitchen knife.
3 cloves ginger, unpeeled.
3 bay leaves
2 sheets of Kombu
5 Niboshi (small dried sardines)
1. Spray 4-to 5 quart slow cooker with cooking spray. Place the chicken bones and all the ingredients in a cooker, pour cold water over to cover.
2. Cover and cook on low heat setting more than 10 hours. Strain through a strainer into a clean bowl and cool. Refrigerate, covered, for up to 3 day, discarding the hardened layer of fat when you use. Put the stock in small containers. Put them in the freezer for up to 3 months and reheat when you use.
Raspberry cream pie
1 cup whole wheat flouer
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp hot water
2 packages Japanese Kanten (Agar-Agar powder) Go to Asian market, or use gelatin if you cannot find it.
1 cup hot water
1 cup fat free ricotta cheese
1 1/2 cup of frozen raspberry
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
3 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Bring a medium size bowl, put whole wheat flour, olive oil. Using a spoon, mix well. Add hot water and make a ball. Do not put the pie dough in the fride.
2. In a 9 inch pie pan, put the dough you made. Push the dough with spoon and fingers and spread. Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake 12 minutes.
3. Using the same bowl, put Kanten (0 calory, Japanese vegetable gelatin), hot water and mix well. Add ricotta cheese, yogurt and sugar. Mix well using folk.
4. When the pie is ready, on top of the hot pie crust, pour the cheese mixture. Using the spatura, put all cheese in to the pie. Put frozen rasberries on top of the cheese mixture. Put the pie in the fridge for 30 minutes.
材料 ( 4人分 )
熱湯 大匙3
寒天パウダー 2袋(8グラム)
きび砂糖 大匙3
熱湯 1カップ
バニラエッセンス 小匙1
冷凍ラズベリー 1と1/2カップ
1 cup whole wheat flouer
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp hot water
2 packages Japanese Kanten (Agar-Agar powder) Go to Asian market, or use gelatin if you cannot find it.
1 cup hot water
1 cup fat free ricotta cheese
1 1/2 cup of frozen raspberry
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
3 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Bring a medium size bowl, put whole wheat flour, olive oil. Using a spoon, mix well. Add hot water and make a ball. Do not put the pie dough in the fride.
2. In a 9 inch pie pan, put the dough you made. Push the dough with spoon and fingers and spread. Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake 12 minutes.
3. Using the same bowl, put Kanten (0 calory, Japanese vegetable gelatin), hot water and mix well. Add ricotta cheese, yogurt and sugar. Mix well using folk.
4. When the pie is ready, on top of the hot pie crust, pour the cheese mixture. Using the spatura, put all cheese in to the pie. Put frozen rasberries on top of the cheese mixture. Put the pie in the fridge for 30 minutes.
材料 ( 4人分 )
熱湯 大匙3
寒天パウダー 2袋(8グラム)
きび砂糖 大匙3
熱湯 1カップ
バニラエッセンス 小匙1
冷凍ラズベリー 1と1/2カップ
Soy grilled cheese
Ingredient (for 4 people)
8 slices whole wheat bread
8 Tbsp cooked soy beans
8 tsp extra virgin olive oil
6 oz shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1. Wash one package of dried soy beans, put them in a crock pot overnight with enough water to cover the soy beans.
2. Using the food processor or blender, process cooked soy beans to make puree. If you have too much water, put water in a container. But please do not throw it, since water has great nutrition. Put four slices of bead in a large skillet or nonstick pan. You do not have to heat butter nor spray oil. Spread four slices of the bread with the soy puree thinly using spoon. On top of soy puree, put a little bit of olive oil and cheddar cheese.
3. Spread soy puree on both sides of the bread. Put the lid and cook 4 to 5 minutes each side, until bread id crisp and the filling is melted. If you burn the bread, you could save it by scraping with a knife.
4. You may use soy pured to mix with tomato sauce.
材料 ( 4人分 )
食パン(胚芽パン等が好ましい) | |
8枚 | |
大豆の水煮缶 | 1缶 |
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル | |
パン一組に付き小匙1 | |
とろけるチーズ | |
4枚 (はみ出さない位の量) |
Okara cheese cake
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp hot water
1 package (226 g) fat free cream cheese
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup Okara (bean-curd refuse or Tofu leavings) you can get at Asian market.
3 eggs
1 Tbsp flax seed
1 Tbsp ground soy flower
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Bring a medium size bowl, put whole wheat flour, olive oil. Using spoon, mix well. Add hot water and make a ball. Do not put the pie dough in the fride.
2. In a 9 inch pie pan, put the dough you made. Push the dough with spoon and fingers and spread.
3. Using the same bowl, mix cream cheese, Okara, sugar, eggs, flax seed and ground soy powder.
4. On top of pie crust, pour the cheese mixture. Using the spatura, put all cheese. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.
全粒粉 100グラム
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 1/4 カップ
熱湯 大匙3
クリームチーズ(あれば低脂肪) 1箱(226グラム)
おから 1カップ
卵 3個
三温糖 100グラム
白ゴマ 大匙1
きな粉 大匙1
1.オーブンを180度の予熱する。ボールに全粒粉をふるわずに入れ、オリーブオイルを加える。熱湯を加えて一まとめにする。 冷蔵庫で休ませない。
Bluberry gelatin
To serve 10 ramekin
2 packages of Japanese Kanten (Agar-Agar powder) Go to Asian market, or use gelatin
2 cups hot water
1 1/2 cup of frozen blueberry
3 Tbsp sugar
1 cup Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp honey
1 tsp strawberry jam
1. Put a strainer in a medium size bowl. Line paper towel on top of strainer. Pour Greek yogurt in the center of the strainer. Water will come down from the yogurt. Yogurt will be like cheese. Do not throw the liquid, you may drink it or use for soup. Mix in jam and honey to the yogurt cheese, and you will have healthy cream to go with gelatin.
2. Put Kanten (0 calory Japanese vegetable gelatin) into a medium size bowl. Pour hot water
and mix well. Add sugar and blueberry.
3. Put the mixture into ramekins and put the ramekins in the fridge for 20 minutes. Put 1 cream on top.
寒天パウダー 4グラム入り 2袋、無ければゼラチン 2袋
熱湯 2カップ
冷凍ブルーベリー(出来れば無農薬) 1 1/2
三温糖 大匙3
カスピ海ヨーグルト 1カップ
蜂蜜またはメープルシロップ 大匙 1
イチゴジャム 小さじ1
1. 中型のボールにザルを載せる。ザルの上に紙タオルを敷き、中心にヨーグルトを注ぐ。ヨーグルトの水分が紙を通してボールの底に落ちる。この水は栄養があるので捨てないでください。飲んでもいいし、スープに使うことも出来ます。紙の上に残ったチーズのように水分が抜けたヨーグルトに、ジャムと蜂蜜を混ぜる。これを低カロリーのクリームとしてゼリーに乗せる。
2 packages of Japanese Kanten (Agar-Agar powder) Go to Asian market, or use gelatin
2 cups hot water
1 1/2 cup of frozen blueberry
3 Tbsp sugar
1 cup Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp honey
1 tsp strawberry jam
1. Put a strainer in a medium size bowl. Line paper towel on top of strainer. Pour Greek yogurt in the center of the strainer. Water will come down from the yogurt. Yogurt will be like cheese. Do not throw the liquid, you may drink it or use for soup. Mix in jam and honey to the yogurt cheese, and you will have healthy cream to go with gelatin.
2. Put Kanten (0 calory Japanese vegetable gelatin) into a medium size bowl. Pour hot water
and mix well. Add sugar and blueberry.
3. Put the mixture into ramekins and put the ramekins in the fridge for 20 minutes. Put 1 cream on top.
寒天パウダー 4グラム入り 2袋、無ければゼラチン 2袋
熱湯 2カップ
冷凍ブルーベリー(出来れば無農薬) 1 1/2
三温糖 大匙3
カスピ海ヨーグルト 1カップ
蜂蜜またはメープルシロップ 大匙 1
イチゴジャム 小さじ1
1. 中型のボールにザルを載せる。ザルの上に紙タオルを敷き、中心にヨーグルトを注ぐ。ヨーグルトの水分が紙を通してボールの底に落ちる。この水は栄養があるので捨てないでください。飲んでもいいし、スープに使うことも出来ます。紙の上に残ったチーズのように水分が抜けたヨーグルトに、ジャムと蜂蜜を混ぜる。これを低カロリーのクリームとしてゼリーに乗せる。
Baked French fries
1/4 tsp high quality sea salt
1 tsp extra virgine olive oil
1. Pewheat the oven to 475 F. Peel and slice potatoes into French fry shape.
2. Bring a 9 inch circle Pyrex pie plate and spray oil on it. IF you use aluminum foil, spray oil on foil. Put the sliced potatoes in the plate and sprinkle salt and oil. Mix well.
3. Put the plate on top rack of the oven. Bake the potatoes for ten minutes. Flip one time and bake ten more minutes. Eat with tomato ketchaup.
フライドポテト 焼きスタイル
ジャガイモ(出来れば有機栽培のもの) 450グラム
品質の高い塩 または海塩 小さじ 1/4
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 小さじ 1
Blueberry Smoothie
1 cup ice cubes
1 medium banana, peeled
1 1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
1 cup Greek yogurt (or plain low-fat yogurt)
1 cup soy milk
1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup
1 Tbsp oat bran
1 Tbsp flax seed
1 tsp soy powder
1. Pour ice cubes into a blender of food processor. Break in banana, frozen blueberries, yogurt, soy milk, honey, oat bran, flax seed, and soy powder. Cover and blend or process until mixture becomes smooth.
氷 1カップ
バナナ(中サイズ、皮を剥く) 1本
冷凍プルーベリー(出来れば天然物) 1 1/2 カップ
カスピ海ヨーグルト (無ければプレーンヨーグルト) 1カップ
豆乳 1カップ
蜂蜜かメープルシロップ 大匙1
オートブラン 大匙1
亜麻の粉 (無ければ白ゴマ) 大匙1
黄な粉 小さじ
1 cup ice cubes
1 medium banana, peeled
1 1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
1 cup Greek yogurt (or plain low-fat yogurt)
1 cup soy milk
1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup
1 Tbsp oat bran
1 Tbsp flax seed
1 tsp soy powder
1. Pour ice cubes into a blender of food processor. Break in banana, frozen blueberries, yogurt, soy milk, honey, oat bran, flax seed, and soy powder. Cover and blend or process until mixture becomes smooth.
氷 1カップ
バナナ(中サイズ、皮を剥く) 1本
冷凍プルーベリー(出来れば天然物) 1 1/2 カップ
カスピ海ヨーグルト (無ければプレーンヨーグルト) 1カップ
豆乳 1カップ
蜂蜜かメープルシロップ 大匙1
オートブラン 大匙1
亜麻の粉 (無ければ白ゴマ) 大匙1
黄な粉 小さじ
Japanese-style edamame, okra salad
16 OZ (1LB) Fully cooked frozen edamame in a shell
16 OZ (1LB) cut frozen okra (no addictives, no preservatives)
1 box 8 OZ (1/2 LB) frozen spinatch
1/2 pack Katsuobushi pack (0.88 OZ or 25 G), or called dried bonito shaving
Nori sheet, cut
1 Tbs soy sauce
1. Leave all vegetables in a package in a kitchen sink and thaw overnight.
2. Shelledamame. Squeeze spinatch with a hand. Mix three vegesin a medium size containaer
and sprinkle soy and dried bonito shavings and sliced nori.
冷凍の調理済み枝豆(さや付き) 1袋 1ポンドまたは454グラム (さやを取ったものも売っていますが、さや付きの方がずっと美味しい)
冷凍カットオクラ 1袋 (パッケージによって量に差がありますが、あまり気にしなくていいす。でも、保存料や添加物の無いもの)
冷凍ほうれん草 1袋
かつおぶしパック 1袋の半分
海苔 千切り 適量
しょう油 適当に好みで
Butternut Squash pie
Before you start, wash one whole butternut squash. Put the whole squash into microwave, uncovered. Microwave in 2 minutes. The squash will be soft and easy to cut. Then, cut off the stem, cut squash in half legthwise and scrape out seeds.
Roast the halves on a cookie sheet, flesh-side up, at 400F for 45 minutes. Scoop out the flesh and bash down with folk.
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbs hot water
1 cup roasted butternut squash, scooped out
2 large eggs
3 Tbs brown sugar
1/4 cup ricotta cheese
2 oz cashew pieces (50% less salt, roasted & and; salted)
1 Preheat the oven to 400F. In a small bowl, mix whole wheat flour and olive oil
using folk.
Pour 2 Tbs hot water. Mix well and make one soft ball. In a 9-inch pyrex pie
plate, push down the ball and spread the dough using fingers.
2 Using the same small bowl, mix squash, eggs, brown sugar and ricotta cheese. Mix
well using falk. Put the mixture on crust made 1. Sprinkle cashew pieces on top.
3. Cover the pie plate with aluminum foil, because the cashews are easy to be
burn. Bake 45 minutes.
全粒粉 1/2 カップ
エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 1/4 カップ
熱湯 大匙 2
オーブンで45分焼いて、果肉を出したかぼちゃ 1カップ
卵 二個
三温糖 大匙 3
リコッタチーズ(低脂肪) 1/4 カップ
カシューナッツ (50% less salt, roasted & and; salted) 50グラム
2.1で空いたボールに、かぼちゃ、卵、三温糖、リコッタチーズ をフォークで混ぜる。
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